Equal Ops

Equal Opportunities

Adams Heritage Centre Equality and Diversity Policy

 1. General Statement

1.1. Adams Heritage Centre is committed to achieving equal opportunities in the services it provides. No user of Adams Heritage Centre’s services or volunteer should receive less favourable treatment because of: - sex, colour, ethnic origin, age, race, disability, religion, sexual orientation and/or marital status. Adams Heritage Centre will create an environment that promotes dignity and respect for every user.

1.2. As a provider of a service to the community, Adams Heritage Centre accepts the responsibility to promote equal opportunities and challenge discrimination wherever it occurs. This document sets out the main consequences of this commitment and the action to be taken in order to achieve equal opportunities.

1.3. It is the responsibility of all volunteers and service users to ensure that no other service user or volunteer receives less favourable treatment than any other on the grounds stated in Para. 1.1 of this policy.

1.4. Adams Heritage Centre recognises that some users of its services may, because of their past or present distress or illness, say or do things which would otherwise be unacceptable and incompatible with Adams Heritage Centre Equal Opportunities Policy. Adams Heritage Centre will do all it can to challenge such behaviour. In cases where intervention is possible a gentle approach will be adopted which aims to alter attitudes and behaviour while maintaining support for the distressed client.

  1. 1.5. The Trustees of Adams Heritage Centre will review this policy annually.

2. Responsibility

2.1. The Trustees of Adams Heritage Centre has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy. However, all volunteers and service users have a duty as part of their involvement with Adams Heritage Centre to do everything they can to ensure that the policy works in practice.

2.2. Adams Heritage Centre will bring to the attention of all volunteers and service users the existence of this policy, and will provide such training as is necessary to ensure that the policy is effective and that everyone is aware of it.

2.3. Those responsible for recruiting volunteers to work in Adams Heritage Centre projects are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of Adams Heritage Centre’s Opportunities Policy and adhere to it while working as Adams Heritage Centre volunteers or staff.

2.4. Every effort will be made to ensure that the services offered by Adams Heritage Centre reflect the composition of the community it serves. Adams Heritage Centre is committed to encouraging access from under-represented groups.

2.5. If any service user or volunteer feels that they have been, or are being discriminated against, in any way, they are entitled to pursue the matter with the committee. Adams Heritage Centre will encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures.

2.6. All instances or complaints of discriminatory behaviour will be treated seriously.

2.7. Complaints or allegations of an unfounded or malicious nature will also be treated as serious.

3. Disabled Access

3.1. Adams Heritage Centre will endeavor to ensure, as far as is practicable, that all the premises it uses have disabled access.

4. Use of Language

4.1. Volunteers and service users should avoid and challenge the use of language which, in any way, belittles:

  •  disabled groups and/or individuals with special needs
  •  any race, culture or religion
  •  a person's sexual orientation
  •  women and/or men.

4.2. Where the language used has a personal impact on others, and it has been made clear to the person concerned that their use of such language is unwelcome and/or offensive, disciplinary action may be taken if they persist with it.

4.3. All materials used or developed by Adams Heritage Centre will be judged in the light of the promotion of equal opportunities, and those considered to be discriminatory will not be used.

5. Sexual Harassment

5.1. No volunteer or service user should be subject to sexual harassment.

5.2. This is interpreted as unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature including:

  •  verbal sexual abuse
  •  physical contact
  •  repeated remarks which an individual finds offensive

5.3. If it has been made clear to the person concerned that their behaviour is unwelcome and they persist with it, then the service user or volunteer who is the recipient of the behaviour will be entitled to make a formal complaint.

6. Complaints procedure and Problem Solving

Following NCVO guidance Adams Heritage Centre in the first instance will arrange that

complaints or problems are initially discussed between a volunteer/service user and a

nominated trustee either through an ad hoc discussion or a more formal meeting

whichever is deemed mutually appropriate. More training, support or supervision would be offered if appropriate which may be resolve the problem, especially if the issue is related to a volunteer’s performance, attitude or behaviour. The trustee responsible for the volunteer/service user may set a time period in which they can monitor the volunteer/service user to find out if the problem or concern has resolved itself. For problems which cannot be solved informally, Adams Heritage Centre would seek external advice and support from in the first place Voluntary and Community Action in East Cambridgeshire, of whom we are member, run by East Cambridgeshire County Council. Adams Heritage Centre will always deal with complaints, problems, issues or concerns (either raised by or about a volunteer/service user) in a fair, consistent and equitable way. 

7. Equal Opportunities Monitoring

The trustees will monitor Adams Heritage Centre’s equal opportunities progress, development and practice and will regularly review all our service practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times.

Adopted on: 26.01.2022

Reviewed on:

Next review date: 26.01.2023

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